Monday, May 17, 2010

My Two Favorite Midgets

Sweet, huh?

Additional note: James was holding up a book with his
right hand; that's what they're so engrossed in.

Additional note #2: We had just finished a dual-diapering
session. We really don't just kick it on the changing pad.

My gosh, I love these two.


Johanna Markworth said...

So, so cute!

Mindy said...

I love it when my kids love each other. It is very endearing and very validating as a parent. Makes you feel like you did something right that they would like each other. Super cute pics!

Missy W. said...


Brittney said...

That seriously is the cutest thing! I love that you got a close up of just their hands! Adorable! And I know where you are in that pic!! My house! I recognize that clutter anywhere!

bart said...

That's great that you could capture that moment!

Richelle said...

Oooo...they're so sweet. Jolie's really liking that book too, isn't she? It's a good thing she has a big brother to turn the pages for her.

katie said...


Li said...

Awww.... so cute! :)

minortragedy said...

LOOOOVE these pictures!! I have some of Layla reading to Jake and they are some of my absolute favs

minortragedy said...

LOOOOVE these pictures!! I have some of Layla reading to Jake and they are some of my absolute favs