Sunday, June 27, 2010

Jolie's Newest Trick - Before & After

Jolie learned a new trick. Or I suppose we let her try it out at long last. She's pretty good at it... and quite fond of the happy results! Check out these two videos. We'll call them "Before" and "After." :)



PS. Please disregard the box of junk in the background (first video). We still have quite a bit of unpacking left to do...

Jolie + Rice Cereal = Love
{How is it that she's old enough for this already???}


bart said...

Fun! And messy! I'm glad you put up the picture of her messy smiles --- some of the faces she made in the "after" video left me wondering if she likes cereal or not...

Ann said...

CUTE! She's getting SO big!

Adam and Aubrey said...

I swear she's not old enough for that crap! baha! I love James' "no big boy food for you, you're toooooo little!". Such a good big brother.

Grandpa & Polly said...

Sure enjoyed the videos. Love and miss you all. How about sending a family shot we can blow up - need you all on our wall.

Richelle said...

Yummy! It takes awhile to figure out eating your meals vs. drinking them, that's for sure. Jolie looks like such a fun baby! I can tell James finds her very entertaining.

BiggsFamily said...

Holy cow she has changed so much since we were there! She is getting so big and so cute!!! Yay for baby food and lovely messes :)!